
The shoes didn't fit. It was an omen.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

April A to Z: The Letters W, X, Y, and Z and Announcing the Winner!

Happy Monday, everyone! Welcome to my blog and Alee Bird's April A to Z Blog Challenge,

Today, I'm giving you letters W, X, Y, and Z because tomorrow I get to have my upper and lower GI scoped. Right now, I'm enjoying a nice bottle of BLECK in preparation for it!

First things first though, I'll be sharing four eighties bands music videos. After that, I'll announce the winner to my little contest.

This year I decided to share pictures hinting as to what is coming in book two in the Lila's Journey Series, Killer Stilettos.

The one with the most correct answers wins a copy of Secondhand Shoes or one for their Kindle.

But first here are some great eighties bands.

Hey! It's WHAM!

Who the heck are these guys?! It's XTC!

Who in the world is the Yello Band? Oh Yeah!

And my all time favorite, ZZ Top!

Now to name the winner....

It was pretty close between two peeps. William and Ida.

And the winner is IDA! She had 13 correct answers. Sir Wills had 11 but he visited everyday so he wins, too!

Ida message me your email on Facebook with your mailing address or here.

Okay. I have to get back to drinking my really grody cocktail.

Hugs and chocolate!

Friday, April 25, 2014

April A to Z: The Letters 'V' and 'W' and Celebrate the Small Things

Happy Friday, everyone!

First, I'll Celebrate the Small Things with VikLit over at Scribblings of an Inspiring Author.

So here I go.

1. I rewrote three more chapters to Killer Stilettos.

2. My squash and zucchini babies have taken off since I fertilized them with fish emulsion.

3. I finally transplanted my tomatoes, peppers, and kale. My garden to date is doing great.

Okay then. On with the Arlee Bird's April A to Z Blog Challenge.

This year I decided to post pictures of what you will find in the next book to Lila's Journey Series, Killer Stilettos.

The one with the most correct answers will win a copy of Secondhand Shoes or one for their Kindle.

This picture is for the letter 'V'.  The clue: he's a character in Killer Stilettos and was in Secondhand Shoes.

But 'W' got me so I posted an eighties music video. Everyone Wangchung tonight!

Have a great day and a fun weekend! And Happy Shabbats if you practice!

Hugs and chocolate!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

April A to Z: The Letter 'U'

Can you believe it's Thursday already? Where is time going? Better yet...where are we heading?

To the Letter 'Z'. That's where.

This year I decided to post pictures hinting at what's coming in the next book  in Lila's Journey Series, Killer Stilettos.

The one with the most correct answers wins a copy of Secondhand Shoes or one for their Kindle.

So what's this pic about? All I can say is this, I really had to work building something in book two. Still tweaking it as well.

Picture from the Internet.

Have a great day, everyone.

Hugs and chocolate!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

April A to Z: The Letter 'T'

Happy Hump Day! We've only got a few more days for Arlee Bird's A to Z April Challenge .

This year I decided to post pictures hinting at what's coming in book two to the Lila's Journey Series, Killer Stilettos.

Whoever guesses the most correct answers wins a copy of Secondhand Shoes or one for their Kindle.

But today 'T' stumped me like a few other letters. So I give you an eighties video from the Thompson Twins. Remember them?

Have a lovely day, everyone!

Hugs and chocolate!

April A to Z: The Letter 'S'

Oh boy! Happy Tuesday and welcome to my blog. I'm working my way through Arlee Bird's April A to Z Blog Challenge.

This year I decided to give picture clues hinting at what's coming in the second book in the Lila's Journey Series, Killer Stilettos.

The one with the most correct answers wins a copy of Secondhand Shoes or one for their Kindle.

This one should be easy-peasy.

This picture was from Photobucket.

Hope everyone has a lovely day! See you in the blogosphere!

Hugs and chocolate,

Sunday, April 20, 2014

April A to Z: The Letter 'R'

Happy Monday! We're almost finished with this challenge. Wow! Right? I can hardly believe we're heading into May at warped speed. How about you guys?

This year for Arlee Bird's April A to Z Blog Challenge,  I decided to post pictures hinting at what is to come in the next book to the Lila's Journey Series, Killer Stilettos.

The one with the most correct answers will win a copy of Secondhand Shoes or one for their Kindle.

This one should be much easier than Fridays.

This picture was from the internet.

That's it for this one. See you all in the blogosphere and tomorrow!

Hugs and chocolate!

Two Fur-Peeps and A Writer: Sir Poops and Hair Ball: Happy Chocolate Bunny Day!

Two Fur-Peeps and A Writer: Sir Poops and Hair Ball: Happy Chocolate Bunny Day!

My two fur peeps have a special message for everyone today.

Happy Easter!

Friday, April 18, 2014

April A to Z: The Letters 'P' and 'Q' and Celebrate the Small Things

Happy Friday, all! It's another day to celebrate Arlee Bird's April A to Z Blog Challenge.

It's also another Friday to Celebrate with VikLit over at Scribblings of an Inspiring Author.

So I'll start with my celebrations.

1. We had a baby shower for my youngest daughter. I forgot to mention it last week.

2. My tomato, pepper, and kale babies are coming along nicely. I'll transplant them next week.

3. I have some lovely lavender growing.

4. Even though my cucumbers were overcome by white mildew, my squash and zuchinni are still going. Although, I had to snip some leaves off my babies this morning.

April is the month for major rains in Florida. When I woke up this morning, some of those babies had brown wet spots. So I pruned off those leaves. Not too mention, we've had temps in the 40s and 50s here the last couple of days. Squash and zucchini like heat to grow.

If these don't survive, I'll just replant. 

5. I'm thankful I finally fixed some of my computer problems. But it left me with little time to write. Thursday morning I actually got an hour in.

And now for the blog challenge. If you've been keeping up with me, I've been posting pictures hinting at what is to come in the next book to the Lila's Journey Series, Killer Stilettos.

The one with the most correct answers wins a copy of Secondhand Shoes or one for their Kindle.

Okay then. P is for what?

And since I couldn't find anything for 'Q', I give you another eighties band. Depeche Mode. I know its the letter 'D'. But I did find their music video on Question of Time.

This concludes my Friday post. Have a great weekend, all. And Happy Shabbats if you practice!

Hugs and chocolate!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

April A to Z: The Letter 'O'

Happy Thursday! We're almost through Arlee Bird's April A to Z Blog Challenge.

How is everyone doing at this point?

Right now, I'm good. The computer seems to behaving as is Google Chrome.

Anyway, this year I decided to post picture clues as to what you could look forward to in the next book from the Lila Journey's Series, Killer Stilettos.

The one with the most correct answers at the end of this challenge will win a copy of Secondhand Shoes or one for their Kindle.

 For the days I haven't been able to find a photo, I've been posting an eighties band video corresponding to the letter of the day.

Okay. On with the pictures.

 Today, I give you two. Here's the clue. They're sisters with major sibling rivalry issues.

These pictures were from the internet.

Happy guessing!

See you tomorrow when I Celebrate the Small Things and post for letters 'P' and 'Q'.

Hugs and chocolate!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

April A to Z: The Letter 'N'

Hello, again! Happy Wednesday! And welcome to my blog and another installment for Arlee Bird's April A to Z Blog Challenge.

This year I decided to give picture clues as to what you could look forward to in book two to the Lila's Journey Series, Killer Stilettos.

But like yesterday I couldn't come up with one. So I'm giving you another Eighties Band. Besides, Lila is an eighties girl.

And I just love this following video! How about you?

Tomorrow I'll have a tricky picture for you all.

Hugs and chocolate!

Monday, April 14, 2014

April A to Z: The Letter 'M'

Happy Tuesday and Pesach! It's another day and another letter for Arlee Bird's April A to Z Blog Challenge.

This year I decided to give picture clues of what you can expect from Killer Stilettos. The next book in the Lila's Journey Series.

The one with the most correct answers wins a copy of Secondhand Shoes or one for their Kindle.

But today I couldn't come up with anything good for 'M'. Well...sort of. But I couldn't get the picture to download. So I bring you an Eighties Band.

Remember these guys?

Have fun! See you all in the blogosphere.

Hugs and chocolate!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

April A to Z: Letter L

Hi, everyone! Welcome to my blog and Arlee Bird's April A to Z Blog Challenge . It's been crazy trying to edit my posts and to actually get them posted. Talk about a challenge.

For the one on Friday, I had to type it up from my iPhone due to internet connection issues. One thing led to another. Like, I pushed the Refresh button on my computer. That's what it suggested to fix my connection. But it caused me another problem. It uninstalled the majority of the programs I use. YIKES!

Anyway, on with the challenge. This year I decided to post picture clues of what's to come in the next book in the Lila's Journey Series, Killer Stilettos.

The one who guesses the most correct answers gets a copy of  Secondhand Shoes or one for their Kindle.

What could these possibly be?

Okay. This wraps up my L post.

Hope everyone is enjoying themselves. See you all in the blogosphere.

Hugs and chocolate!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

April A to Z: Letters J and K and Celebrate the Small Things

Happy Friday, everyone. To date, I'm having issues yet again to stay connected to the internet. And when I finally get to Blogger, it crashes on me. So I'm writing right this minute from my iPhone.

I'm hoping I can get on the computer to download my clues for Arlee Bird's April A to Z Blog Challenge.

This year I planned to give picture clues as to what the next book would be about for the Lila's Journey series, Killer Stilettos.

The person with the most correct answers will receive either a copy of Secondhand Shoes or one for their Kindle.

But before I give any clues and while I wait for my computer to Refresh, I'll begin with VikLit's Celebrate the Small Things.

1: I'm pushing through the A to Z Blog Challenge, despite my computer, Blogger  being a Blooger, and Google Chrome crashing on me.

2: I've hand written changes to chapters 41, 42, 43, and 44 to Killer Stilettos this week.

3: I'm thankful for my one and only critique partner, Emily McKeon. I found her on CP. Originally, I had found 2. But the other peep fell off the bandwagon after I read through 2 of her manuscripts.

4: I've transplanted my squash, zucchini, and cucumbers. I need to get some more boxes before I plant my kale, tomatoes, and peppers.


Two boxes of goodness coming.

Well, I'm still waiting for my PC to do its thing so I'm searching around my house for the next 2 clues. Which by the way, I'm posting K for today and J for tomorrow.

This is your K clue. And no. The answer is not a knife.
I'm still searching for your J clue.
Okay. What is the name of Lila's true love? Or so she believed in Secondhand Shoes.

This wraps up this weeks blog challenge. I'm hoping to get to as many blogs this weekend. 

Have a happy weekend and Happy Shabbats if you practice!

Hugs and chocolate, all!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

April A to Z: The Letter I

Oh goodness! It's another Thursday and garbage day at my house. And it's another day for Arlee Bird's April A to Z Blog Challenge (having technical difficulties pulling up Arlee's link and my reading list).

So far I've been posting picture clues as to what the next book in the Lila's Journey Series, Killer Stilettos will be about.

The one who guesses the most correct answers gets a copy of Secindhand Shoes or one for their Kindle.

Oh but today...I couldn't come up with anything. So I'll share something from an eighties band since Lila's story takes place then.

Have fun everyone! See you in the blogosphere! As long as, Google Chtome doesn't crash on me. 

Anyone out there use this browser? I haven't  been able to read my email like I normally do.

Hugs and chocolate!

April A to Z: The Letter H

Happy Wednesday! I'm a bit late posting this morning. Worked the late shift last night and when I got home I watched a program. So I was up pretty late. I learned of this amazing teen-age boy. Below I've shared a video he made prior to dying. But this has nothing to do with the letter 'H'. Although it could. Killer Stilettos is a lot about Lila's faith while she battles herself and other things.

Make sure you have some tissues handy.

Anyway, this year for Arlee Bird's April A to Z Challenge (couldn't get his link to come up) I decided to post picture clues hinting at what is to come in my second book from the Lila's Journey Series, Killer Stilettos.

There will be a giveaway at the end of this blog for the one who guesses the most correct answers. Someone will receive a copy of Secondhand Shoes either a paperback or one for their Kindle.

I wonder what this could be?

This picture is from the web.

Hope everyone is doing well with this challenge. If anything, I'm terribly behind in reading blogs. Yesterday, I only made it to 5.

Hugs and chocolate, all!

Monday, April 7, 2014

April A to Z: The Letter F and G

Happy Tuesday, everyone! And welcome once again to my blog and to Arlee Bird's April A to Z Blog Challenge. .

Today, I'm doubling up my letters since I got off track over the weekend. I even got off track with visiting blogs. Had a baby shower to give. That took up quite a bit of time. Yes. Life continues to happen even around a blog challenge.

Anyway, this year I decided to post picture clues hinting at what is to come in my second book from the Lila's Journey Series, Killer Stilettos. I will do a giveaway at the end. The person who guesses the most correct answers will get a signed copy of Secondhand Shoes or one for their Kindle

Okay. I'm giving this one to you.

For this one, I'll give you a clue. It's a name and it begins with 'G'.

Both pictures were borrowed from the internet.

Hugs and chocolate!

Sunday, April 6, 2014

April A to Z: The Letter E

Happy Monday and welcome to my blog, and to Arlee Bird's April A to Z Blog Challenge.  I hope everyone had a restful weekend. Although, I did see that some peeps already posted their E and F. Did I do this wrong?

Also, Friday was VikLit's  Celebrate the Small Things. I totally forgot.

So, this week I celebrate 2 things. My garden I planted in a Jiffy tray. It sprouted. I planted cucumbers, zucchini, squash, tomatoes, peppers, chili peppers, and kale.

And with all the blogging and working, I've managed to tweak more of Killer Stilettos.

Anyway, for the blog challenge this year I decided to post picture clues hinting at what is to come in my second book from the Lila's Journey Series, the book I mentioned above.

There will be a giveaway at the end of this blog to the person who guesses the most correct answers. Someone will receive a copy of Secondhand Shoes either a paperback or one for their Kindle.

Hmmm...what in the world could this be? Remember it begins with he letter 'E'.

Picture is from Photobucket.

Hugs and chocolate!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

April A to Z: The Letter D

Welcome to my blog, and the Arlee Bird's April A to Z Blog Challenge.

 Oh boy! Four days in now!

Can you believe while I was visiting some new blogs, I came across one where you had to be invited? What kind of stuff is that? Not to mention, there are a lot of long winded posters out there. And Blogger is being a Blooger again. Some peep's pages can't be found.

I hope I didn't sound too much like a Debbie Downer.

Anyway, how is everyone doing so far? I'm glad its Friday. Hoping to get caught up with these posts I'm putting together.

This year I decided to post picture clues hinting at what is to come in my second book from the Lila's Journey Series, Killer Stilettos.

There will be a giveaway at the end of this blog for someone who guesses the most correct answers. That someone will receive a copy of Secondhand Shoes in either a paperback or one for their Kindle.

So what is this wild looking-thang? ***brow waggle***

Picture is compliments of the internet.

Have a great weekend, all! And have a peaceful Shabbats, if you practice!

Hugs and chocolate!

April A to Z: The Letter C

Welcome to my blog, and the the third day to Arlee Bird's April A to Z Blog Challenge .

 Anyone hungover yet from this bog fest? I'm trying really hard to keep up with it. Work gets in the way. But it keeps me organized. If I had too much time on my hands, I probably would never get anything done.

This year I decided to post picture clues hinting at what is to come in my second book from the Lila's Journey Series, Killer Stilettos.

There will be a giveaway at the end of this blog for the one who guesses the most correct answers. Someone will receive a copy of Secondhand Shoes either a paperback or one for their Kindle.

In Killer Stilettos, I did some world building and creature creating. I hope someone names it correctly. I will tell you this. They lurk the world between the living and the astral plane. They smell like poop  and have no face. But they do have needle-like teeth.

So what name did I give this creature I pieced to together from myths, legends, and the paranormal world? Remember it begins with C.

This photo was compliments from the internet.

Hugs and chocolate!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

April A to Z: The Letter B

Welcome to my blog, and my second post for Arlee Bird's April A to Z Blog Challenge. I hope everyone is having fun so far. Right now, I'm worried about getting around to other blogs. My iPhone doesn't always cooperate with my ability to comment.

This year I decided to post picture clues hinting at what is to come in my second book from the Lila's Journey Series, Killer Stilettos. The days I can't find something to correspond to the letter of that day I will post an eighties band music video.

There will be a giveaway at the end of this challenge for those who guess the most correct answers. Someone will receive a copy of Secondhand Shoes either a paperback or one for their Kindle. So far, Ida Chiavaro has the lead. Go, Ida! Go!

Wonder what this next pic is about?

Have fun everyone!

Hugs and chocolate!