Yesterday, I went to the doctor. Got another xray. The bone breaks are finally filling in. YAY! I can now go for walks around my neighborhood. If I had to sit on my bum for a living, watching TV and popping bon-bons all day, I would end up in a straight jacket. For someone who loves to write and read, I have the fidgets. REAL BAD! Pacing back and forth a lot has kept me somewhat sane.
Also, I can go without my sling forever now if I want. Can also take the cuff off throughout the day so my skin can breathe. AWWWWW! I applied comfrey cream last night and this morning. It's supposed to help heal the bone quicker. After letting it soak in for a few minutes, I then coated my arm with coconut oil. This stuff has been my saving grace. It has helped to keep the itch away. Instead of creeping up or down into my cuff with a pencil or knitting needle, I've been using coconut oil covered Q-tips to get to the scratchy skin. It also heals any irritation and blisters happening. And also, it is an anti-microbial. It's a germ killer.
Still can't drive. Still can't start PT. Hope to start the latter in 3 weeks after my next visit with the doctor.
This experience has been quite an eye opener. The human body is amazing. There is no way we were created out of randomness. God is all about order. He is not order out of chaos. Below is a short clip on what happens when we brake a bone.
For you fashioned my inmost being, you knit me together in my mother's womb. I thank you because I am awesomely made, wonderfully; your works are wonders- I know this very well. My bones were not hidden from you when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes could see as an al. (Complete Jewish Bible)
Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Staying positive.
Hugs and chocolate,