I will be posting one-liners, character blogs, and other stuff from my finished novel. Right now it’s in the hands of my editor. I will do my best to keep it simple and quick. There’s others to seek out and read. If you have to mess with some silly thing to comment, let me know and I’ll fix it.
Gram appeared behind me, wearing the same lavender chiffon dress she wore in her casket six months ago. Not one of her white hairs out of place. It looked liked she maintained her weekly shampoo and set with a heavy tease. “I’ve seen wrong in my life but this takes the cake,” she said, crinkling up her nose. “Forcing an eighteen-year-old girl to marry any twenty-seven year old, much less a scallywag. Your mother’s crazy.” A frown sagged her jowls.
DISCLAIMER: No one may copy this blog for their own use. This belongs to Shelly Arkon.