
The shoes didn't fit. It was an omen.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Televison: The Great Addiction

"Scott," my grandmother B would say as she cracked opened a brew. "We can't go to the doctor until after the Price is Right." She'd chug down some of her beer and re-roll her bang in a pink curler. The darned thing never seemed to stay put.

Grandfather B would answer with a loud belch. His eyes would shift to my mom who was actually in charge of getting them to their doctor appointments.

"Why are you all looking at me?" Mom would say. "I've got a life, too. Days of Our Lives comes on at one o'clock. And I have to see what's going on with Beau and Hope."

Ever know people like this? Ever wonder why they schedule their lives around the tube?

I found two pretty short and to the point explanations.

And who is responsible for all this brainwashing? The Illuminati? How about the Rothchilds? Or the Rockefellers?

I'll be exploring this in a few weeks.

Have a lovely Monday and a happy week, all!

Hugs and chocolate!


  1. Wow. What interesting video's. They've got me thinking, and that is for sure! I took a page from your marketing and started a new blog for my latest book RETURN OF THE LAST SHAMAN:

    And I even have been posting spooky video's that chime in with the events of the novel on my posts.

    Great minds run in the same circle! :-)

    1. Yes. You not only have a great mind but a very thoughtful one. I will add that feed to my blog list.

  2. I'm a complete television addict. The invention of the DVR has made things easier on me. =)

  3. I'm a real TV junkie. Have been for as long as I can remember. Unlike most parents, mine didn't limit my TV viewing time. That's how I learned to read at age 3.

    1. I've never really been a TV junky. Although, i do have certain shows I like. But I'm so busy sometimes that I miss them.

  4. Yes! Although fortunately with Tivo and such, my parents are no longer chained to a set time for their shows.

    1. I only watch about three shows and never fret if I miss them. I watch the news sometimes. Other than that, the TV is just one more thing to dust off.

  5. I think excessive television is just something you can let yourself get stuck in a rut with, but the decision for that is ultimately your own.

    1. My butt would be numb and my ribs would hurt from all that sitting. My grandparents lived their lives according to the show schedule. All day long.

  6. What a waste of life, sitting in front of a television! I'm glad I'm too busy for that!

  7. I, of course, can't see the videos.
    But I do know how some people would talk about soap characters and the story as though it were real stuff.
    I'm only addicted to a few shows. Got too much to do, but in the winter can't get outside, so...

  8. I can't view the video from here, but we don't have TV/cable. Which we love. Instead, we have streaming and watch on our time. Which we also love.

    1. It's good not let anything control you.

    2. We enjoy our shows, for sure. Just nice to watch them when we're ready.

      Hope your writing is going well, and have a great week.

  9. It is terrible to try to find something to watch. Crimes and sex and other awful stuff. It makes the world seem all bad. It also can put me to sleep.

    1. You'll do yourself a service then. Sleep is way better than watching television.

  10. Escape. I think people like to escape to places that make them happy, ponder, swoon. A favorite TV show is like comfort food.

  11. One good thing is DVR. I've found that since we DVR, we rarely keep up with TV shows, and often end up deleting the ones we recorded. I haven't just watched TV without being busy with other things in a long, long time. Still, I probably watch more than I should. I have a handful of shows that I will catch up with eventually. Subliminal messages are an interesting concept. From a psychological standpoint, anyway. From a personal standpoint, I find it offensive than anyone is trying to control me or bypass my own limits, monitors, etc.

    1. I agree with you. To control or manipulate another human being is offensive.

  12. I've know quite a few people who plan their whole lives around day time shows. I remember watching soap operas, but stopping life because of them? Nah. I've never been a big TV watcher and I'm less and less with the years. Very few things grab my interest and I positively hate commercials. I rather read a book or write.

    I've heard much about subliminal messages. Don't know that I pay that much attention to them, if they're there.

    Sia McKye Over Coffee

  13. This is the story of much of America sadly.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out


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