
The shoes didn't fit. It was an omen.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Conspiracy Theories: New World Order: A Quote

Since I'm pooped from the Fourth of July festivities, I'm posting a quote made by David Rockefeller, in 1991. No one can tell me that we're not be controlled by a shadow government of some sort.

We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the work is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries." David Rockefeller [June, 1991]

What do you think?

I'll be back Thursday with another piece from The Immoral.

Hugs and chocolate, all,


  1. I think We the People are being seriously messed with.

  2. Well that lets me off the hook. As a mason I'm always being blamed for world supremacy plans.

    Come to think of it - why am I being left out?

    1. You're probably on the lower half of the totem pole and have no ideas as to what the world domination plans are.

  3. We don't get a say in this new world order?

    1. Every year the Bilderbergers and Rockefellers hold an annual meeting with the leaders of every country. This year they met in Geneva under high security. One of the many things discussed this past June was American politics. The agenda was leaked.

  4. I think this idea has been going around for a while but I am not sure how much veracity is in the information we get. Otherwise, what I have read and heard is pretty frightening.

  5. Replies
    1. Yup. Our government has been easing us there since Woodrow Wilson. However, I suspect it will get bumpy soon. We're in the final stages.

  6. Humm, when I saw the word "bankers" makes me think of world news of Greece's banks closing in the aftermath of their government colapse, and just this morning, I saw a scrawl about China's stocks or something, falling and they're bailing.
    And the government in IL is playing this cat & mouse game over the budget.
    And yet the sun will rise and set today w/o fail.

    1. THe powers that be will never be able to tamper with nature. That will come back to bite them.

  7. I have to show this quote to my husband. Thanks for sharing it!

  8. I'm curious about the context of the quote? As in, where was it published, and with what other information?

    1. I believe this was a quote from the man's autobiography.

  9. My friends and I were just talking about the different conspiracy theory all around us. I believe there is a big big secret the world keeps from us.

    1. The New World Order is no conspiracy theory. Its right under our noses and the entire world is in trouble.

  10. Wouldn't surprise me all that much.


I'm dying to know what you think.