
The shoes didn't fit. It was an omen.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Conspiracy Theories: Facebook Censorship

Over the next several weeks, I'll be going over the censorship of the Internet. I thought I'd start with Facebook.  Myself, and other friends have been banned for weeks at a time for things we've posted or made comments on.

William Kendall is a friend of mine, and he is quite liberal in his thinking. I, on the other hand, am quite conservative. I enjoy his humor and understand that he has a clear right to his opinion. But others don't feel the same. Not long ago, he was released from Facebook Jail.

Lisa Haven and Lyn Leahz, both Christian Independent reporters, make YouTube videos and write about current events. Their work has been banned several times and/or flagged as fake news on the beloved Facebook. Which I find crazy because they always properly site where they got their info from.

We're under attack by our own government. Your religious, political, and ... yes... maybe even the content of what we Indie writers write about will be and is under scrutiny.

There is a lot more to this internet censorship. But since I'm limited as to how I can download videos to my blog posts, we'll stop here for now. More to come next Sunday.

Hope everyone had a great weekend! And hope everyone has a great week! I'll be back Thursday with another excerpt from my On-Line Novel: The  Immoral.

Let me know what you think about Facebook Censorship in the comment boxes.

Hugs and chocolate!



  1. I'm not using Facebook to make my point about what I believe. If they haven't figured out I'm Christian, they aren't listening. No one has challenged me on that. I use Facebook to connect with family, friends, and with any luck draw in people to read my books. If I want to make political points, I would have to have a paid blog site. I don't want to do that.

    1. Hoping this takes. I like using it to stay in touch but I also like spreading current news.

  2. I'm with Mari. I'm a conservative Christian and proud of it! If anybody wants to make something of it, I'll be the next one banned.

    William and I have been friends for a long time now--as a matter of fact, our anniversary is coming up next week--and having opposing views on a lot of major topics hasn't ruined our relationship. But I expect him to get tossed back into Facebook jail any minute now!

    1. It's getting ridiculous in America. All in the name of offending someone. I say, scroll on.

  3. Sad that on a public platform, you can't be honest. Glad I'm not on Facebook.
    I agree with Mari - if people who've followed my blog for a while haven't figured out I'm a Christian, they aren't listening either.

    1. Yes. Well, we're soon to be under scrutiny here at Blogspot. God forbid, we might offend someone. I say, scroll on.

  4. It is ridiculous how certain things are censored, while others are not. I hope your friend finds a "get out of Facebook jail" pass soon.


    1. It's crazy. I have peeps posting naked pics because they're erotica writers. I usually just press the hide button. I never complain. Unfortunately, that's how they wish to make their living.

  5. What baffles me is that what I've gotten kicked out for never once crossed their so called community standards, while bigots, racists, and various hate mongers get away with saying the most horrendous stuff and get a free pass.

    1. I know, Sir Wills. I've been banned for stupid things, too. In fact, I had a guy who deliberately stalked all my comments looking for a fight. He got blocked and deleted. I never complained about him. But he turned me in instead. Go figure.

    2. I know, Sir Wills. I've been banned for stupid things, too. In fact, I had a guy who deliberately stalked all my comments looking for a fight. He got blocked and deleted. I never complained about him. But he turned me in instead. Go figure.

  6. I haven't had this happen to me but then I'm not on facebook much. This sounds like a good reason to limit time there. I'm glad I have a blog where I can say pretty much what I want.

  7. I spend very little time on Facebook> Still, it is chilling to hear of the censorship. There seems to be very few places you can speak your mind without being punished for "offending" somebody.

  8. It's tough getting anyone to see posts on facebook as is. Frustrating stuff.

  9. Hey Shelly,

    In actuality, we are all under attack by our respective governments. I can tell you that the British government is monitoring online activity. Which means, if I state anything controversial about David (scum bag) Cameron, I can expect somebody to knock down my door and arrest me. Welcome to Britain aka the new North Korea.

    As for "Farcebook", I'm still waiting to get blocked on there. Twitter, well, that's a different matter as I get blocked by alleged comedians because they don't like the fact I'm even funnier than them.

    I'm outta' here.....


  10. I haven't really run into censorship on FB. In fact, the only censorship I've really seen among friends is one not being allowed to change her name and others having breastfeeding pictures censored, which is another issue altogether. I know it's happening, though, just haven't seen it myself.


I'm dying to know what you think.