
The shoes didn't fit. It was an omen.

Monday, December 30, 2013

2014 Plans

Before I tell you my plans, I wanted to wish you all a Happy New New. May God be good to us all and grant us our dreams within reason.

Also, thank you all who follow, visit, and comment. Your words of encouragement mean a lot to me. I'm believing that 2014 will be obstacle free for all of us.

Now for my plans. I've been thinking about the goals I set every year. Sometimes I set them too high to reach. So this year I'm keeping them within reach.

Keeping my house clean: I've been cleaning one to two rooms a day. This has been doable and fits right into my writing and working schedule. Not to mention, I always hated cleaning the whole house in one day. Overwhelming and boring.

Exercise: I'll keep speed and interval walking thirty to forty minutes a day. And I'll keep at the light weight training, too. No more over doing it for me. The lesson learned: too much of good thing can be very, very bad.

Writing: Stick with my morning routine of two to three hours. My brain works better at this time versus night. 

Publishing:  Killer Stilettos is next to be out. It's the next book in the Lila's Journey series. And I have a short story already for publishing except for a cover. Samah Ronit. 

Last but not least, I have another project. A novella series to be published sometime this year. White Trash and Pill Heads.

What are your plans for this new year?

Hugs and chocolate!


  1. Oh, I am all for going simple this coming year! Chocolate hugs, Shelly!

  2. I always break my resolutions, so this year I'll have just one : I'll try.

  3. I didn't wait for New Year's to implement changes...and so far, I'm sticking to all of them.

  4. It is good for me to see the things you plan. It makes me feel like doing more. Happy New Year!!

  5. My plans for this new year are of the let go and let God variety.

    Happy New Year Shelly!

  6. I am trying to stick with reasonable goals this year. I decided to do Write Despite (again) and initially thought an hour a day was a realistic goal (it's not). 20 minutes is better as a minimum goal. I can write a lot of words in 20 minutes and none if I'm wait until I have a quiet hour.

    I hope this year is easier for you.

  7. I go with reasonable goals too. Mischief making. Writing when it comes to me. World domination. The usual.


I'm dying to know what you think.