
The shoes didn't fit. It was an omen.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Facebook Eats Socks

Washing machines and Facebook have something in common. They eat things like socks or conveniently make things like comments disappear. 

About a month or so ago, I put up a question to other authors and writers: how do you keep from being overwhelmed? 

Anyway, peeps gave me feedback. But all those lovely comments magically disappeared. Hmmm... I don't understand. It had nothing to do with political views or the UN's Agenda 21. It was just a simple question so I could share some tips with other writers in the blogosphere.

It's a good thing I am still able to remember certain things. There were two good tips: make lists and hire someone to do your marketing, your querying, and handle your social media.

I make lists for everything. If I didn't, I'd be lost. 

When I worked in a law firm, I used what was called a tickler system. It's something in an Office Program. Keeping up with deadlines was of utmost importance and logging them into the system helped.

At home, I use a calendar and Post- It Notes. But what doesn't help is having a Sweetman with OCD. He's always closing my calendar and hiding it on me. He's also known to throw my Post-It Notes away. Although, he's been very good about not touching my storyboard on our office wall. He knows he'll get a meat-slapping from me--- not really. I just threaten him.

As for hiring someone to do other writerly chores would be grand as long as you can afford it.

When my daughters were little, I used to hire a teenager to watch them two afternoons a week. I paid her 15 dollars each time so I could get house chores done. 

Think about it, a teenager could at least do some social media for you since they're all computer whizzes these days. I've been thinking about that myself.

However, I wouldn't suggest them handling your queries.

What do you think? How do you handle being overwhelmed?

Also, Norma Bieshir will be sharing her writing wisdom over at her blog. Click on the following link:

I find her to be to the point.

Have a chocolate-filled week!

Hugs and chocolate,


  1. I often find myself overwhelmed!

    Rotten facebook. Just in case, change your passwords.

    1. Good advice, Sir Wills. I change my password often.

  2. Odd they deleted those comments.
    I have a calendar for all events, real world and online. I'd be a mess otherwise.

  3. I've lost a few things on FB but just like the socks they weren't life-altering. LOL I like the idea about hiring young computer geeks to do the marketing but first they'd have to LOVE your book!

    1. Schwoo! That's good. Anyway, 2014 has been a banner year for technology for me. And not the good kind.

  4. I use Facebook but I'm really not a fan, specifically because of weird things like this. Too bad you lost those comments.

    Wouldn't it be great to be able to hire someone to do marketing, etc? If only. Hugs and chocolate to you!

    1. Yeah. I'm beginning to dislike Facebook about as much as I do Twitter.

  5. I make lists, but really need a board on the wall. I move too much! And I need a proper office... not yet. But I agree... if you could pay someone just to do a bit of social media/marketing that would be a dream. It does take some time. Take care, Shelly. Hugs and lots of chocolate!

    1. You definitely have a lot going on, Lena. Be careful.

  6. Happy Whisk, I love your answer.

  7. lol, whew. I don't know you yet well enough to write monkey balls on your blog, but it's honestly what came to mind.

  8. I have a huge piece of paper facing my computer that is so full of notes as to be unreadable.

    1. What, Roger? Can't read your own handwriting?

  9. Still funny. One never knows what's going to come our of a great mind. Right?

  10. I just joined FB just to see best friend post photo of my old neighborhood. But I don't understand it at all.

    cheers, parsnip

    1. It's a lot different from 2 years ago. The page is way busier. I agree it's more confusing.

  11. Or in my case a silly mind. But I like the way you think. Hope you're having a groovy day/night.

  12. Thanks, Shelly!

    My calendar is on my Kindle. My list of things to do is on my Kindle. My research, outlines, etc are all on my Kindle. Everything is on my Kindle and backed up on my phone and in my computer. The only time I do anything on paper is first drafts. For some reason, this old dog is still a creature of habit there.

  13. When I feel overwhelmed I just stop doing something and work on whatever it is will make me feel better.

    Facebook has been acting funny lately. It does not want me to write certain words. Maybe I should change my password.

  14. Yeah, I'd loose my own head if it weren't attached. My husband usually finds it rolling around on the floor....
    I'm only overwhelmed when I have to drive the damned bus any more. I've given in to my own madness when I get home.
    Warm Chocolate hugs!

  15. I've heard a lot of complains about FB lately. What can we really do about it, huh? Good thing we have blogs to keep us sane. :P

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. Yes. Blogging is good.

      Hope your Thanksgiving was great!

  16. Sorry you lost the comments on Facebook. I still like to use a big old fashioned calendar. I should try to be more tech savvy, but this works for me.


    1. Tech savvy...I really have to wonder about this. Technology is definitely not all that and a bag of chips.


I'm dying to know what you think.