
The shoes didn't fit. It was an omen.

Monday, December 8, 2014

My Desk

Sweetman says, "You certainly never learned how to organize."

I just shrug. If he only understood, this is how I work best. It's called organized-chaos.

If it's out if sight, it's out of mind.

How does everyone else work?

Hugs and chocolate, all!


  1. I know all too well about 'organised chaos.' It's how I run my life. And just the way I like it.

    Oh, and I don't like routine either.

    1. Routine doesn't bother me. But a neat and tidy desk, drives me insane.

  2. It all depends ...
    When I make books I bring out the extra table and it stays semi-clean but folding and cutting cards it can get really messy.
    But I try to clean up as I go so it doesn't get overwhelming.

    cheers, parsnip

  3. Organized chaos is a good thing, mind you.

  4. I'm a former prep cook which means organized, organized, organized.

    1. Hey Shelly. I don't know if anyone else is seeing this but when I click on your page, your right side bar is all kinds of overlapping, right into your post.

    2. I'll have to get on my computer and fix this. Thanks. My iPhone doesn't allow me to size my pics.

    3. And too, I keep it organized when I cook as well.

  5. Hi, Shelly,

    Nothing like a good, organized mess. I work similarly, but only during a project. Afterward my OCD kicks in and I have to make my space perfect again...

    1. Hi, Michael:

      I've always been this way, even when I worked for lawyers. It drove them crazy, too.

  6. My desk looks like yours, Shelly. I like to have current and pending right under my forearms.

  7. If you can find everything, that's what matters.

  8. I don't have a desk. When I sold my first book, I immediately set up my home office: desk, computer station, bookshelves, file cabinets, everything a good office needed. I was almost never in it, except to use the phone. I wrote first drafts in longhand and had them typed by a secretarial service. These days, I do almost everything on my phone or tablet. File cabinets are no longer necessary. Sometimes I still do first drafts in longhand, and we have a small computer station at one end of our living room. Collin's usually on the computer, so we put a mirror on the wall next to the station so he could see the TV without having to turn around.

  9. Aha and to even have a desk. During my ongoing moving process, I somehow have ended up using a table in my bedroom. As for the computer chair, the darned things hydraulics have stopped working and I keep sinking down. Good grief, I'm now eye level with my keyboard!


  10. Last year I took out an old manuscript that was kept in a large box--this was the one I tried to interest an agent with. There were at least 3 (paper) drafts, and I used my entire room to lay it all out, and try and put it together into piles. It took me 3 months to straighten out, and then begin to re-write--again!
    No. You're doing it right. A lot of writers need to find the way to get their mss in order. You keep at it girl!

    1. Thank you, Lorelei. The rewrites and the shifting and cutting are all coming together.

      Hugs and chocolate!

  11. Sometimes you've got to look unorganized. It fools everybody! :0

  12. There's nothing wrong with a little "organized chaos!" It's all part of the creative process.



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