
The shoes didn't fit. It was an omen.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Television: Toilet Bowl Morals

"Hey!" I hollered to my oldest. "You can't go to school dressed like that."

Fred glanced down at herself. "But J-Lo dresses like this." One white bra strap had slid down to the mid part of her upper left arm. The right one glowed like a neon sign against her black skinny strapped camisole.

"It's trashy."

"I'm only flaunting what my mama gave me." She shrugged and walked past me. "You should do the same. If I were a guy I'd tap that." She'd move her eyes below my waist.

Yup. I used to hear that from my then 17 year-old daughter back in 2002. Who talks to their mom like that? If I did, mine would have knocked me into a Salem Witch hunt right into a fire pit or a noose. That would have been the end of me.

Why are we indirectly telling them this is okay? The attitude? The clothes? The disrespect for us and themselves? 

Unfortunately, our daughters today have the Kardashian girls to model themselves after. Two have had babies out of wedlock.  All of them are shallow, spoiled brats. They all dress and act like hoochie-mamas.

And their mom made them famous from Kim's sex tape!!!! What kind of mom does that?

Not that I was the perfect mom. BUT...

Then we have Hannah-Montana. Our daughters grew up with this wholesome Disney child. They watched her show. They bought her music and went to her concerts. Now she's twerking people and things.

Britney Spears was another Disney kid. She was once a Mouse-ka-teer. What's going on?

How about Katy Perry? The Preacher's  kid who admitted to selling her soul to the devil for fame. What is this telling our girls?

OMG! Then there's Keisha. I really think she came out of the Abyss. I'm not even sure she comes from human parents.

Here's something our daughters, our kids watch...

So is there a conspiracy to destroy our daughters inside out? It looks that way.
What do you all think?
Hope everyone has a great week!
Hugs and chocolate!


  1. Well there's some reasons for abstinence.

    1. Yeah. Hate to see what celebs come up with in 10 years.

  2. We live in a sick world. Getting sicker by the day.

  3. It is tough to be a parent today, but then it always has been. One thing most people do not do is take their children to church (synagogue) and Sunday School. Until the parents are once again involved in the child's religious life and quit spoiling them with everything that they can buy while permitting them to watch whatever they want, the child will do as the child pleases.

    1. You've got a good point, Mari. I hate to admit it, but I stopped taking them to church. Got made at God because of some really rotten church goers and false teachers.

  4. I'm not sure exactly where I got my morals, I didn't have a mother to teach me. My one sister became a hippy, lived on Hait & Ashberry streets in San Fran, married a hippy, did drugs. Thankfully not around me. But I also had alcoholics around the house. Yet, I never smoked, I can't drink more than two or three drinks, or I'm out like a light. I seemed to have gotten my morals on my own. I quit going to church, mainly because I found everyone there was self-centered, and it was more like they were showing off how good they dressed.
    I grew up fine without a mom. Maybe it was a blessing. People who know me and meet my two sisters always say I couldn't be from the same litter. So, there's a flip-side to it too. I think I was just lucky that I was wiser than my years.

  5. That video is so disturbing I had to stop watching. Yes, I think there is a conspiracy to destroy our daughters -and all young people. It is evil.

    1. Like you, I could only watch a portion. It's downright disgusting. Now my daughters are adults. Number 2 always seemed to have built-in morals. The others were a challenge and still are.

  6. While I'm all for a beautiful body, those women don't send a very good message. You're right - trashy.

    1. Yeah. It is. My task as a single mom was tough.

  7. My daughter tries it on occasionally just to provoke a reaction, but I'm so glad she doesn't either dress, or act like that.

    1. Glad she has a powerful dad. My daughters didn't. I was it and we didn't have cable. So we only got 3 channels. But they still snuck this stuff.

  8. I did not allow MTV to be playing in my house. If I ever did allow it I sat with my kids and talked about what they saw.

    Parents need to remember kids want to have their own culture and the enemy does too.

    1. I'm surprised I'm not permantly blue from all the talking I did.

  9. It's not a healthy message. It starts with the sexualization of our kids. It's everywhere.

  10. I don't have daughters yet but I hear you. I wonder why the society is making these shallowness a trend and adoring these kinds of people/image.

    We are creating a shallow generation. We are self-destructing.

    Problem is, those with depth are not given the attention it deserves.

    Makes me upset sometimes when I see that these people are actually getting richer and more famous because of all these shallowness! Like really? What's waiting in the future?

    1. It's scary even thinking about the future. Thanks for stopping by, Lux.

    2. Not a problem. Happy Easter!

  11. It's sad that there are so many horrible role models for girls today. Where's Marsha Brady when we need her?!


    1. Hi, Julie!

      Guess Marcia had her own issues to deal with.

  12. Well Shelly this certainly is a hot topic. So true that girls have horrible role models and the media hypes on these trashy girls. BUT there are a few who keep their sweetness...

    Selina Gomez is a Disney kid too and is a beautiful and talented girl. She's far from trashy, even her music videos are quite pure compared the others out there.

    Also back in the late 90's early 2000's, Hillary Duff was a sweet kid actor and didn't fall into the slutty, drunken types like so many others did in her generation. Like Lindsay Lohan.

    1. It's the good girls who don't get the press.

  13. I'm with you. Girls should respect themselves and dress modestly. If they dress trashy, how can they be respected by anyone? We have a lot of terrible role models in society. So many, that people think there's nothing wrong with dressing and acting the way they do.

    1. It's amazing how they think and how the media emphasizes them.

  14. I'm with you. Girls should respect themselves and dress modestly. If they dress trashy, how can they be respected by anyone? We have a lot of terrible role models in society. So many, that people think there's nothing wrong with dressing and acting the way they do.


I'm dying to know what you think.