
The shoes didn't fit. It was an omen.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Finally ... Well, Sort Of

Got a new phone. A Samsung Galaxy 5. I like it. But I'm still learning how it works. Finally figured out how to post my blogs. Yay!

Anyway, this past Saturday, I downloaded Windows 10. I lost my cursor. Aw man! I've been going nuts trying to find a remedy.

After, pushing a bunch of different keys, I got a box telling me that my computer is fixing my cursor problem. But I need to press 'okay' and have nothing to do it with. OY VEY!

And yes, I've pushed 'enter' and the arrow keys. Got me nada.

So I'm waiting to see if anything happened while I'm at work.

I really need to get back to my regular schedule of doing things. I also need to figure out how to access the blogs that I follow from my new phone.

What's everyone else up to?

Hugs and chocolate, all,


  1. I'm back to work and hoping that my blogging schedule gets back to where it belongs. This year, I finally went to a smartphone--an iPhone. Thought I would hate it. I love it.

    1. I now own an Android. I really like it. Just need to figure it out more.

  2. Can I laugh at the irony of that situation?
    Hope it's all right when you get home.

    1. Things are just getting crazy. Sometimes I really think there are forces out there trying to stop me from writing. Seriously!

  3. I've found myself with similar problems. I've simply turned the computer off and every thing came back. But then, I've still got vista.
    HOpe you figure it out, Shelly.

    1. Seventy-three dollars and eighty-six cents later. My skinny geek never called me back.

  4. I'm afraid of Windows 10. I think I'll stay far away from it!

    1. They say its supposed to be easier than Windows 8.


I'm dying to know what you think.