
The shoes didn't fit. It was an omen.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Conspiracy Theories: What It'll Take To Keep Your Head

Everyday we get closer and closer to being tagged like an animal. It's all about controlling us and our money. They'll deliver the RFID to us on a platter.

"It'll make your lives easier," they'll say.

"It's for your protection."

"It might save your life."

Yes. The Mark of the Beast will keep your head while here on earth. But what about afterwards?

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. Will be back Wednesday for the Insecure Writer's Group.

Hugs and chocolate!


  1. Hi human, Shelly,

    I'd actually like the one pawcent that are controlling this world to get tagged, or better still, flung in jail.

    Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses,

    Penny xx

    1. We shall think pawsitive thoughts for them in this regard.

  2. Sadly, not everyone takes this seriously.

    1. No. They don't, Norma. People think it's hip.

  3. Replies
    1. Me, too. People think this is a joke. But it's not. They have technology where they can remove just the thought of God through vaccines and nano-technology. Creepy!

  4. You're talking about microchip implants. I can see some benefits and drawbacks. I'm not convinced this is all a plot to overthrow us. It really is up to us. Don't accept it so easily, don't vote for whoever is thinking this is a good way to keep everyone under watchful eyes (GPS). And if they can remove certain thoughts from our minds, then why can't they do that with people who are poisoned like ISIS or those who are insane? Just my thoughts on this.

    1. Lorelei, back in 2005 made a vaccine and literally sprayed it over certain parts in the middle east. However, they would like to vaccinate anyone who has a belief in any god. Those who take their beliefs seriously. I'll have to dig up that news reel for one of my future posts. But yes, their intentions are no good. History is and will repeat itself. This is really nothing new under the sun. But they have perfected the best way to control us. No chip. No money. No food. No job. No medical care. Think about it. And research the topic.

      Hugs and chocolate!

  5. Looks like we've moved way beyond 1984;(.


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