
The shoes didn't fit. It was an omen.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

China Dolls and Creepy Clowns

I never felt comfortable in my bedroom that I shared with my sister as a kid. She had a horrific clown collection.

They were everywhere in our room. On  our bookshelves. On her bed. In pictures hanging on our walls.

Salivating. Baring their hideous expressions. Staring and glaring at me. Thinking evil thoughts. Waiting for me to be alone or asleep so they could get me.

The clowns seemed to be keepers of disembodied spirits. Anything is possible. There is an unseen world surrounding ours and they're known to possess vessels of any kind.

I swore those freaks were alive along with my paternal grandmother's China Doll collection. She kept them in her room.***I shudder at the memories.*** The sight of them certainly kept me out of her things. No telling what they might do.

Do clowns and China Dolls creep you out?

Hope you all have a great week. See you in the blogs.

Hugs and chocolate,


  1. As a kid, I found clowns vaguely unpleasant and boring. As an adult, I sense a high creep factor. The John Wayne Gacy effect, perhaps.

    I've always disliked dolls. The unblinking eyes, the pointlessness of them. I had several dolls as a child, which I'd move around my room from time to time and change their clothes now and then, so as not to hurt my mother's feelings. She wanted dolls as a child and didn't have many so she gave me a bunch of them.

  2. I've always thought clowns were creepy and 1982's Poltergeist sealed that idea.

  3. I'm okay with clowns and dolls but my daughter and son both have a problem with them--creepy dolls my daughter, clowns my son. :)

    1. I stay clear away from the Circus, too. The last one I went to, the show made my skin crawl. A contortionist. EEK!

  4. I've never particularly cared for clowns.

    1. Creepy, creepy, creepy. There is something sinister about them.

  5. I must be weird. I was never afraid of clowns. Until I read Stephen King's IT.

    As for dolls, I was a tomboy, so I never cared much for them.

    1. That was definitely a scary, creepy clown.

  6. No, but we have a daughter who can't stand clowns, so I know how you feel. I hate witches much more!

    1. None of my daughters like clowns or China dolls.

  7. I've always kept clear of clowns--human or other--as well as dolls. I've never liked dolls, their eyes opening up, and their bowed lips... never had one as a child/didn't want them. So, yeah. CREEPY!

  8. I like China dolls, but clowns creep me out! Lots of little kids are scared of clowns. I don't understand the fascination with them.

    1. My 2 year-old grandson is horrified of a truck that has a clown face. He actually cries when he sees it. It was a Christmas gift.

  9. No, but in the dark those faces and eyes-yes!
    You definitely need hugs n' chocolate~


I'm dying to know what you think.