
The shoes didn't fit. It was an omen.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Celebrate the Small Things

Happy Friday, everyone! It's time to Celebrate the Small Things with VikLit .

I'm going to try and keep this short. It's Thursday night, and I'm planning to go to bed soon. Gotta get up early in the AM since I'm opening up The Salon.

But I do have some things to be thankful about:

* Last Saturday, I got a new do. Whacked it off, in fact. My arms needed one less head of hair to do.

* Monday I celebrated Father's Day with my dad. We had a nice brunch at Peaches and went to the movies. We saw Noah.

I celebrate that I paid 2 dollars a piece. It was not worth more than that. My dad and I joked around through the whole movie.

If I were to leave a review, I could sum it up in one word. Weird.

* Sir Poops is doing much better. I celebrate everyone's prayers. He's eating rice and baby food and keeping it down and in.

* And I celebrate getting in some writing time this week. I completed two chapters.

Here's a diddy form Killer Stilettos:

Once in the bathroom, I shut the door behind me. As fast as I could, I slipped off my hilt and out of the blue hospital gown and slinked the wedding dress over my head and let it drape my naked body. A bra and some panties would’ve been nice. I wasn’t for going commando or letting the girls loose. The thirty-six C’ers were definitely floppers, bouncing here and there. I hope no one notices. The last thing I wanted were cold nipples displaying themselves in front of the whole world to see, especially the Underworld ... of all places.
Okay. It's time for me to get ready for bed. Have a happy weekend and a Happy Shabbats, if you practice!
Hugs and chocolate!


  1. Like the new do! Perfect for summer.
    Glad you didn't waste more money than you had to on the film. At least you and your father had a fun time.

    1. Something had to go. And yes, my dad and I had fun. He kept saying he was going home and read the Noah story from the Bible's perspective.

  2. I need to chop off my hair, too.

    So glad Sir Poops is on the mend. Poor pup—it's no fun being sick.

    Congrats on the writing time!

  3. Love the new hair cut, very chic. So pleased Sir Poops is doing well.

  4. Sounds like a lot of good things are happening at your place. Love the new style, the pup that is on the way to healing and. . . I've got to see Noah!

  5. Glad Sir Poops is doing well. maybe I should try a new hair style. I've been a number three for years. Perhaps I'll just let it grow and scare the cats..

    1. Thank you. And I'm glad Sir Poops is doing better, too. Now he needs to gain back his weight.

  6. I'm so glad Sir Poops is doing better. Give him a snuggle from me. And I love your new haircut! Great picture.

    1. Thank you. As for Sir Poops, he's been getting plenty snuggles. For 5 days we had to feed and hydrate him by syringe.

  7. A good hairdo, and good news about SPAL.

    1. Thank you, Sir Wills. And yes he's doing much better. Now we need to fatten him up again.

  8. I'm glad your dog is feeling better. Nice haircut. Funny excerpt.

  9. New hair is always something to celebrate! And $2 movies! Where do you get them?

  10. Love your haircut, Shelly. And so glad Sir Poops(name makes me giggle) is doing better.

  11. Love the new haircut! You look wonderful! Enjoy your weekend...I'm glad your dog is feeling better.

  12. Happy to hear SPAL is feeling a little better and Love the new doo!

  13. Oops and happy very early Monday morning from lil' ol' England.

    Looking good in the photo. Delighted and hopeful about Sir Poops.

    Take care, I'm going to get some sleep...



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