
The shoes didn't fit. It was an omen.

Monday, April 16, 2012

A to Z Challenge, Day 12: N is for Nuisance

It’s not my style to whine or complain but Blogger has been a royal pain in me arse. And of all times, too, while I happily hoppity-hop through the blogiddy-blog field spreading and looking for good cheer. Oh dear!

Over the last two weeks I’ve received several 503 error messages when navigating to other blogs or leaving comments. It’s almost as bad as the feeling you get when something hard is hanging in your nose. What a nuisance!

A nuisance conspiracy trying to keep me from my blogiddy-blog-blog-fun. Some one in another blog dimension is trying to steal my fun room and possibly yours, too. It’s sounding all to Matrix-familiar to me.

matrix pic

On day 10 of the challenge it wouldn’t post my ‘L’ post for the life of me. When it finally did, it looked like a word dump. It literally ignored my paragraph commands. I couldn’t tell you how many times I tried to fix it. Oy vey! I thought I had entered the Twilight Zone.

twilight zone

So I have a new name for Blogger. Blooger. Blogger plus booger equals Blooger. Does this make us all Bloogers now? Blooger pickers, perhaps?

nose picker

Anyone else having issues?

Before I go to work, here’s a diddy from my novel:

A slow and methodical smile stretched across her face. “I hope the two of you can negotiate something,” she said, cupping her hand under my chin. “We’d like to welcome you to the family business. Right boys?” She looked over her shoulder at the three idiots. “She’ll make a nice decoy while we export our goods. Praise Jesus!”


DISCLAIMER: No one my use this written content. This belongs to Shelly Arkon.


  1. I've not had any Blogger issues, hope I'm not speaking too soon!
    Yours Sincerely
    A Fellow Blooger!

    1. I'll knock on wood for you and throw some salt over my shoulder for you.

  2. I've had a few issues but not too many. There was one day last week when I couldn't leave a comment on a blog to save my life.

    No issues so far today though so maybe the worst is over?

    1. I hope the next two weeks will be a lot smoother than the first two of the challenge.

  3. Wow, that really is a nuisance. I haven't had any issues myself, but fingers crossed.

    Sarah Allen
    (my creative writing blog)

    1. That's good, Sarah. Maybe I should cross my fingers.

  4. You sound very frustrated. I hope things start working out better soon. I like your graphics.

  5. Yep Blogger has been a royal pain. I've gotten that error 503 plenty of times and it's made the blog hop challenging.

  6. I've been getting a few 503 Error messages, too. And sometimes I have to refresh the page several times to get Google Friend Connect to allow me to join new blogs. I hope Google gets their act together . . .

    The Golden Eagle
    The Eagle's Aerial Perspective

    1. Golden:

      I'll try refreshing then. It couldn't hurt.

  7. I've seen that error too. I think it just means one of many servers is down. If you click refresh, it will probably go away. It's been a while since I did that kind of nerd work. Some blogs have been refusing to close in IE or load really slow, which is super annoying. Definitely makes it hard to keep up.

  8. Wierd. I for once am not experiencing anything nasty on BLOOGER. But it will probably be my turn next.

    Have a good week, Shelly.

    1. Lorelei:

      We'll have to think positive then.

      You have a good week, too.

  9. I haven't had too many issues, fortunately, but these hiccups have been going on awhile....

    1. Today I couldn't pull up the blogs I follow for an hour. Very strange.

  10. Wow, sounds like Blogger really "had it in for you" Shelly.
    Well, I hope things are better now!
    On to the snippet - who is the "she" using the other as a decoy? Sounds like a nasty piece of work!

    1. Michelle:

      So far, today is good. And the 'she' is Lila's mother-in-law. And yes, she's a real piece of work.


I'm dying to know what you think.