
The shoes didn't fit. It was an omen.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

April A to Z: The Letter D

Welcome to my blog, and the Arlee Bird's April A to Z Blog Challenge.

 Oh boy! Four days in now!

Can you believe while I was visiting some new blogs, I came across one where you had to be invited? What kind of stuff is that? Not to mention, there are a lot of long winded posters out there. And Blogger is being a Blooger again. Some peep's pages can't be found.

I hope I didn't sound too much like a Debbie Downer.

Anyway, how is everyone doing so far? I'm glad its Friday. Hoping to get caught up with these posts I'm putting together.

This year I decided to post picture clues hinting at what is to come in my second book from the Lila's Journey Series, Killer Stilettos.

There will be a giveaway at the end of this blog for someone who guesses the most correct answers. That someone will receive a copy of Secondhand Shoes in either a paperback or one for their Kindle.

So what is this wild looking-thang? ***brow waggle***

Picture is compliments of the internet.

Have a great weekend, all! And have a peaceful Shabbats, if you practice!

Hugs and chocolate!


  1. I agree, Blogger can be weird sometimes. The picture was...interesting...

    1. Blooger was a challenge this morning, too.

  2. She devil. Definitely an attention grabbing photo. Love the flames.

  3. Your picture today reminds me of some sort of she demon/devil. And... I agree This year the A-Z has been kind of weird. I don't think the moderators have noticed because everyone is supposed to friend them but even going through the link list this year was different so many are only using Google+ and the follow widget was gone on so many. Ok I'll just shut up for now!

  4. Invited? All-righty-then... That is crazy!

    Hmmm. This pic is intense... I'd say... since she's winged a Valkries of some type.

    1. Yes. Invited. I've never come across something like that.

  5. Why bother having a blog if you aren't interested in meeting new people? The world is strange. That picture reminds me of my last blind date -- a goth girl with a butterfly knife. Don't ask.

    1. Roland, you'll have to tell us about that date on your blog.

  6. The co hosts have noticed, but not a lot they can do other than make suggestions and recommendations. I know 'cos I'm a minion. Thanks for dropping by.

    Looked like a demon to me too

    1. Yay for Jo!

      As for needing an invite...okay.


I'm dying to know what you think.