
The shoes didn't fit. It was an omen.

Monday, April 7, 2014

April A to Z: The Letter F and G

Happy Tuesday, everyone! And welcome once again to my blog and to Arlee Bird's April A to Z Blog Challenge. .

Today, I'm doubling up my letters since I got off track over the weekend. I even got off track with visiting blogs. Had a baby shower to give. That took up quite a bit of time. Yes. Life continues to happen even around a blog challenge.

Anyway, this year I decided to post picture clues hinting at what is to come in my second book from the Lila's Journey Series, Killer Stilettos. I will do a giveaway at the end. The person who guesses the most correct answers will get a signed copy of Secondhand Shoes or one for their Kindle

Okay. I'm giving this one to you.

For this one, I'll give you a clue. It's a name and it begins with 'G'.

Both pictures were borrowed from the internet.

Hugs and chocolate!


  1. Replies
    1. The story does have something to do with God. But that's not the answer. Good try though.

  2. Replies
    1. You nailed it ... Well almost. You're in the right arena.

  3. Clever way of catching up. Still no good at this stuff. If Gabriel almost nailed it, I wouldn't know what to suggest next.

  4. Faith Angels = Gabriel except your pic is a girl - is she praying for a message or miracle

    1. Archangels can also be female. I did my research on it. And yes this story is a lot about having faith.

  5. Replies
    1. Siv,

      You got it! Archangels can also be female.

  6. Great pics and contest and I can see someone already got the right answer today so I won't attempt it. I am trying to catch up myself today!

    1. Hey Gossip: whoever guesses the most right...okay.

  7. Even though I had a female archangel in one of my books, I still didn't guess! Duh!

  8. Fun contest. A to Z is certainly a challenge, isn't it?

    1. Yes. It is. Having a time trying to get to blogs. My schedule is insane.


I'm dying to know what you think.